Saturday, 26 July 2008

Peter Chasseaud and Altazimuth Press at Phoenix Open and Small Publishers Fair

Kings Cross artist's book (poetic photobook)

Cricket at Firle (oil on canvas, 48x48 inches), one of many paintings on show in my studio at Phoenix Brighton.

The Green Lion (oil on canvas, 48 x 60 inches). This one won't be at Phoenix Open.

I'll be showing my artist's books / poetic photobooks in October 2008 at:

The Phoenix Open (Brighton) on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th October 2008, where I'll be opening my studio (Studio 3S3, on the Third Floor), so my paintings, prints and drawings will also be on view (and for sale),

and also at the Small Publishers Fair at the Conway Hall in Red Lion Square (London) on Friday 24th and Sunday 25th October 2008.


melodie said...

hello. Tell me about your green lion painting. Had a powerful dream about a green lion some time ago.

peter chasseaud said...

Melodie: the Green Lion painting was done about 30 years ago and was inspired by alchemical ideas and images I was looking at at the time. The landscape setting is the South Downs, near Lewes and Firle Beacon (which you can see in the background) in Sussex. I put the planetary bodies in the sky because I wanted to achieve a cosmic feeling for the whole painting. If you look at some books or websites about alchemy, you should come across the green lion.