My text and images to some extent follow the pattern set by my Kings Cross and Thames books. Ill be moving (a contrast of classical and romantic, Eros and Thanatos) from the doric classicism of Euston to the contemporary punk-goth-burlesque of Camden High Street and Camden Lock, and as far as Chalk Farm's Roundhouse, taking in Sickert, the Old Bedford and the Camden Town Grouop and the way. Rilke took the view that humanity could be explored through things (landscape), and by exploring the human constructions of this part of London (and doing a lot of fieldwork in the streets and pubs - I can recommend The Lock Tavern, previously The Railway Tavern). By their works we know them? We'll see. The past is a foreign land. But losing what remains of it appears to be some sort of cultural suicide. I was impressed by what the Smithsons wrote in their 1968 book about the Euston Arch. Alison Smithson said a lot of things about the significance of arches, stones and things which I agree with.
When I've completed my text, I'll post it here. And some images. Or perhaps it'll be a fluid text, continually changing, which I can adjust from time to time.

Here are some Camden High Street and Chalk Farm Road images: